With the advent of online music, which appeared literally minutes after the internet, came an outstanding amount of music of all genres. For this to occur, however, independent musicians required the appropriate recording software. Due to the high and fierce demand, free recording software became available at every turn. The opportunity is now at the fingertips off all and sundry to discover how to make money.
Independent musicians who had been struggling financially to merely record an album were now able to capitalise on this flood of high-quality free recording software. The only adaptation that was/is required of them is to conduct their recording in a manner to accommodate the 'new' recording software. A minor adjustment at worst.
Once an an independent band had recorded a sufficient amount of music, they were then able to place themselves on the countless music sites that are available. Additionally the majority would have their own website too. This should be, in theory, the focal point with regard to learning how to make money.
As fast as the internet is at sharing, the accumulation of a size-able and loyal following is nowhere near as rapid. This often led many independent bands to make a critical mistake; namely putting all of their music on every possible site. Why is this a mistake? Simple. The bands followers have nothing to look forward to. In my book, "Online Music Traps," I recommend bands to only place a few of their songs online. This way, they always have 'something up their sleeve.' Believe me, it works. I'm still getting new fans who comment on tracks that are almost three years old.
As mentioned earlier, independent bands have to alter their recording style to suit their free recording software. Additionally, the music is presented in a different format. The most commonly accepted format is mp3. If your recording software doesn't output your music in mp3 format, I highly recommend the Audacity File Converter. Again, this is a free addition to your recording suite.
If you are finding yourself recording a high volume of songs, you may wish to provide some of your music as free mp3 as a "thank you" for their support.
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I love the raw sound of this sound. I am a child of the 70/80's and some of my best influences had this straight to the wall sound. It's hard these days to find people that haven't just used the digital true sound in the mix and master. Great work brother!